
(Kris Tomasson)2021年06月21日




NIO Day 2020上,我们将ET7定位为“迎接未来”的汽车。令人自豪的是,红点奖组委会此次着重强调了这一概念,也将其提升到了新的高度。


我很荣幸有这样的团队,凭借产品设计助力公司第四次获此殊荣。此前,NIO Power(蔚来家充桩、蔚来换电站)的卓越表现帮助公司两次获奖。2020年,AI车载人工智能NOMI斩获大奖。就让这则好消息为我们开启新的一周,我们也将继续秉承“设计驱动”的原则。

Hello everyone,

We have very good news which I want to share with you: I am very proud to announce today that our NIO ET7 won the Red Dot Product Design Award 2021. That we have been awarded again by the renowned Red Dot jury does not only confirm that our products are innovative and the forefront of technology, but also that we have taken the right path with our philosophy 'Driven by Design'.

At NIO Day 2020, we presented NIO ET7 as our car that is "Ready for tomorrow", and I am very proud that the Red Dot Jury now underlines our statement and even takes it to the next level by making clear that “the design and appearance of the NIO ET7 is minimalist progressive, reduced to the bare essentials, integrating all the technologies that will make EVs ready for the future."

I am very honored to have a team that delivered our fourth Red Dot award for the design of our products. That award follows two honours in the field of charging infrastructure: for NIO Power Home and for NIO Power Swap. In 2020, we also secured a further Red Dot accolade for NOMI. So, let's start this new week with the good news and let's always keep in mind that we are 'Driven by Design'.