Alan Walker 全球首次跨时空演绎揭秘


在NIO Day2021的舞台上,Alan Walker这位全球粉丝超1.1亿、音乐播放量超500亿的全球著名音乐人,为NIO Day创作的全新单曲《Hello World》,现已在全球范围正式发行。这次合作背后更多的创作故事,我们也一一为大家来揭秘。

疫情当下,全球音乐行业受到影响,然而也催生了新技术的应用和发展。这一次我们通过更具创新的形式 - XR(Extended Reality),打开了现实与数字世界的连接入口,让观众沉浸在表演者构造的虚拟世界中,为大家呈现了一场跨时空的精彩表演。


XR是Extended Reality扩展现实的简称,是指通过计算机将虚拟和现实结合,打造一个可人机交互的虚拟环境,囊括了VR(Virtual Reality虚拟现实)、AR(Augmented Reality增强现实)、MR(Mediated Reality混合现实)等多种技术。

通过三种复杂的视觉交互技术,实现虚拟世界与现实世界之间无缝转换的“沉浸感”体验。毫无疑问,XR的舞台表演形式是本届NIO Day一次前所未有的尝试,我们在现有技术中寻找创新灵感,将高科技手段和潮流电音作品进行一次创新结合,舞台形式也不再被场景限制。

对Alan和他的团队来说,这次的表演也是一次全新的尝试,在确定XR呈现后,我们突破重重挑战,在全球范围内寻找符合要求符合Alan档期的XR Studio资源,AW团队从全球各地飞往伦敦,完成此次拍摄和后期制作。

Alan Walker眼中的NIO和NIO Day

在NIO Day2021表演结束后,Alan Walker还接受了我们的采访,分享了他对于这次与NIO合作的感受。

1.What about NIO motivated you to do this collaboration?


As a car enthusiast myself, I am incredibly interested in innovative, but most importantly sustainable cars. I am passionate about using my platform to bring attention to environmental issues. It’s a topic which I often implement in my work and music, and especially my merchandise. At the moment, for every purchase, a tree is planted and I want to continue taking more actions. I think this collaboration is a perfect match as we share the same values in progressing the industry.


2.Did you drive a NIO car during the shoot? Did you listen to your own songs in the car? 


I was very lucky to drive a NIO car during the shoot. It was a very exciting experience. As far as the music goes, I actually do have a playlist that I love to listen to when driving!


3.What was your first impression of NIO House丨Oslo? What did you like the most?


It was much bigger than I had imagined! I really enjoyed how it’s a multifunctional space and also its amazing design. It felt surprisingly cosy at the NIO House. My favourite thing was definitely checking out all the cars displayed and hanging out in several of the spaces.

它比我想象的要大得多!我真的很喜欢NIO House多功能和令人惊叹的设计。在NIO House里,感觉出奇的舒适。我最喜欢的事情无疑是研究每一台蔚来的汽车,以及在不同的空间闲逛。

4.How do you understand the theme of "Hello World"? What can you tell us about the process of writing the song?

你如何理解“Hello World”这个主题?你能与我们分享关于这首歌的创作过程吗?

I understand it as introducing the world to a new way of viewing automobiles and expanding NIO’s vision of protecting the environment without compromising design and sophistication. I am looking forward to seeing where NIO can take us next!

It’s always exciting but challenging to write a song for a specific project, but I feel like I managed to find a sound that fits the brand. I also had the pleasure of collaborating once again with Torine on Hello World.


为一个特定项目和主题作曲,总是令人兴奋但又充满挑战。但是我觉得我成功地找到了适合这个品牌的声音,我也很高兴与Torine再次合作,一起完成《Hello World》。

5.Is this your first time on an XR stage? How was the whole shooting and performance process? 


Yes, it is my first time on an XR stage. It was an insane experience. I enjoyed every minute of it! I think it’s an upgrade from the usual green screens and it gave my team and me a lot of room to play with the effects to bring the performance to another level. In the XR stages, you have so many opportunities to change the scenery and immerse the audience into your own universe.


6.What's your biggest takeaway after participating in this NIO Day?

参与这次NIO Day(蔚来日),你最大的收获是什么?

That change starts by taking action. I am amazed by the NIO team who are incredibly creative, welcoming, and inspiring. Thank you for having me on this special day!
